[pythian] PROJECT - Release 2.0.7

  • From: Darryl Long <pythianproject@xxxxxxx>
  • To: pythian@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 23:59:13 -0700

This release wouldn't seem to be following so closely on the heels of 
the last if I could have posted about 2.0.6 when I had first intended :)

Nonetheless, here it is, and don't download it unless you really really 
want to.  The code is almost essentially the same as 2.0.6, so don't 
download it just to see if it runs better or whatever.  The major 
differenence here is the map I released with.  It is a fairly simple map 
I've been working on for the last week and a half.  It is a proper map 
in that it has sectors and physics meshes.

I've posted the .max file for this map on the web site.  Ariel and 
Aaron, you should both download this file and have a look at it.  You'll 
notice that I've surrounded each part of the map in a box (with normals 
reversed) and then cut holes in the boxes.  This box is the "sector" and 
everything in it is parented to it.  The holes are portals to other 
sectors.  Also notice the object named "pm****" for each sector.  This 
is the physics mesh.  It is a simplified mesh used for detecting collisions.

The reason I reposted the editor and engine is because I had to change a 
few small things for this to import, export and run properly.

I expect to start working on missions with this map in the immediate 
future.  It is a simple, low-poly map so it is good for testing the 
engine and missions.  It also needs trees, but I will do this with 
pythian objects with LODs as Kamil and I have been discussing.  Then we 
can start adding scripts and that sort of stuff as we go.

The first thing it needs is lightmaps.  Once those work, Kamil and I 
will start working on the networking code so we can have multiple 
players at one time.  Then we will start constructing sample mission and 
adding AI opponents.

So hurry with the lightmaps, kk :)


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