[pythian] Re: PROJECT - Release 2.0.7

  • From: Darryl Long <pythianproject@xxxxxxx>
  • To: pythian@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 22:05:22 -0700


You are (almost?) done the lightmaps now.  Perhaps there will be a few 
bugs, but it's pretty much ready.  So you should start working on 
billboards, mirrors and transparent object queue (don't do the BSP trees 
yet).  At the same time I will work on the VGL and get all the basic 
controls that Mike already had working a year ago working again. :p

While we are doing this we should be discussing the networking code.  I 
will start the conversation soon, when I have time.  Until then, think 
of some ideas on how we will attack this massive chore!

Once we have the basic network code working at least reasonably well we 
will move on to other things, such as rewriting the model code for CLOD 
and internal BSPs.  Then we will work on AI and combat for quite some time.


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