[projectaon] Re: Lone Wolf on the PC

  • From: Michael Lodge <mlodge@xxxxxx>
  • To: projectaon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2007 15:31:27 +1030

Dave Doty wrote:
Maybe a cheat and non-cheat mode, where you can toggle on or off all the functions that allow you to circumvent the rules? That way, those players who don't want to be tempted to cheat can shut them off, but those who enjoy playing with home-brewed rules can do so.

Again, I do realize that whoever writes the software is ultimately free to do as he likes with it.


I'm normally the kind of guy who will cheat at the first given opportunity when playing a solo game, but I like the official restrictions that you get as default. The only few things that I would change are:

A: Instant death sections should at least have a restart button. I know that the main menu button is always available, but most of the other interaction with the game is through the buttons on the right hand page, death screens should be no different.

B: I haven't played enough to reach past book 1. If you do reach book 2 and die, must you restart from the beginning of book 1 again? If so, this would probably be enough to prevent me from playing or recommending this program. As I said before, I like the other default restrictions, but if you died in book 8 would you really want to go back to book 1 again? I know the early books are enjoyable, but if you spent most of your time playing through books 1 and 2 due to random selection, wouldn't you get a bit tired of them?

C: The other two are design decisions, this seems to be a genuine bug. In Flight from the Dark section 260, you can't get to your weapon, so you fight unarmed (-4 CS). I had a broadsword and weaponskill in broadswords (+2 CS). The game took -4 due to being weaponless, but I'm sure that it still gave me +2 for having the broadsword. This doesn't really make sense. I haven't verified this yet, but it is something that should be checked to see if it really is a bug, or if I'm just imagining things.

D: One more thing, when choosing your disciplines, Weaponskill requires you pick a number and choose the skill. The game lets you pick a number without committing to choosing the discipline. Maybe the choose button for that discipline should trigger the random number generator rather than having a separate option.

Overall, however, very well done.

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