[ourplace] Re: To Kathleen

  • From: Panix <kathyann@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ourplace@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2015 22:16:34 -0500

Well I probably could've of a time I was done I was tired. Oh boy would you
believe I had no phone service this morning. Crazy crazy crazy I don't know
what's going on. I had to call Time Warner and get a credit. Oh boy. Then I
went downstairs to do something that is to get my mail out of the mail room I
had trouble getting upstairs. One of the little kids got sick in the elevator
so I had to wait. They had to take the elevator down to the basement to clean
it oh well. Basically today I did one thing crashed. And I crashed hard I
talked to my mom tonight too. Why can go downstairs and use a braille writer in
the social service room. That's OK too. I don't think I would've been able to
dictate in that room where I was and the orthopedic clinic. It was so noisy in
there. Everybody was talking the other TV on. I don't know what kind a weird
talkshow they were listening to it was kind of strange. And of course some of
the people were talking about Baskin-Robbins oh boy. Yeah that was crazy.

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 1, 2015, at 4:35 PM, Vickie <rolisonv@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi. Here is just a reminder. Use your notes feature on your phone, for
dictating things like the phone number to the physical therapist. Yes, they
gave you the information in print, on a piece of paper, and couldn’t email to
you. But you could have opened up your notes section on the home screen of
your phone and asked her to dictate the phone number and other address, or
whatever other information she had about the physical therapists on your
phone. That’s how I get information I need to use at a later date. People
are usually glad to put it on your phone for you. That’s one feature seems
that all people know how to use. So they feel comfortable, and you have the
information. So, remember to do that from now on.

May God bless you now, and evermore!

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