[openbeos-midi] Re: Everybody Ready

  • From: "Paul Stadler" <paul_stadler@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos-midi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 13:33:55 +0900

>2)~200 MB/day
Whoops!  I meant time bandwidth, not bits. :)

>Also, does anyone have the BeOS API then?  And how do I get a version of 
>R5 running on my computer?

The Annotated BeBook can be obtained at http://bang.dhs.org/be/bebook.html.  
It has a decent description of the APIs and function of each class under the 
MidiKit section.  I've been digging through it to make sure I understand 
what the goal is here.  It seems pretty straight forward.  Also, the API is 
present in the header files that will come with the developer version of 
BeOS.  It seems that it's okay to use these header files as a reference, but 
I'll need to check.

As far as getting BeOS on your computer.  You'll definitely need a boot 
device besides your harddrive (believe it or not some notebooks nowadays 
don't have this).  You can then download the developer version from: 
http://www.beosonline.com.  You'll need to burn a CD with the boot and root 
images.  Then just boot it and it'll take you through the install.  I had 
some glitches when I did this in the GIFTranslator.  Deleting it fixed the 
problem. :)

As far as data structures are concerned, I have no problem with using 
whatever method you're comfortable with in designing data storage classes.  
Keep in mind that all the public (API exported) data structures are already 
designed for us.  In order to maintain binary compatibility with existing 
BeOS programs, we will need to use these classes exactly as they are to the 


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