[lit-ideas] Re: update on the Muhammad cartoons

  • From: "Phil Enns" <phil.enns@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2006 14:28:25 -0500

Peter Junger wrote:

"The cartoons were drawn and published in protest against the fact that
the author of a book about Mohammad could not find any artists who dared
to illustrate it.  The thus were not intended so much to be funny as to
protext the self-censorship of the artists who refused to draw the

I did not know this.  Thank you Peter.  Several of the cartoons make
more sense now.

However, others do not.  How is the cartoon of Mohammad with the bomb on
his head about these artists?  (This is not a question for Peter but
just musing.)  Several of the cartoons can only be taken to be about
Islam or Muslims.  In particular, the cartoon of Mohammad with the bomb
is obviously about Islam, is not funny, and not even clever.  I can find
no way of understanding it except as being about Islam and intended to
be as offensive as possible.


Phil Enns
Toronto, ON

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