[lit-ideas] Re: comments the DEMs must defend

  • From: Andy Amago <aamago@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2007 10:47:14 -0500 (GMT-05:00)

That's why we're losing so badly, because we're barking up the wrong tree.  Saddam was a Stalinist, had nothing to do with terrorism except as promulgated by best selling author Laura Mylroie.  If we knew what's what and who's where, maybe we'd stand a chance instead of losing like crazy. 
For Lawrence, what do you say to the the fact that General Dynamics is developing amphibious vehicles to storm beaches?  No military Keynesianism there, not for a minute. It's also hard to explain, isn't it, why for $4 billion ($4 billion) we can eradicate all (all) the substrates for nuclear weapons in the world but instead we're focusing on whatever it is we're focusing on in Iraq at the cost of trillions.  BTW, I guess you heard Bush will be cutting veterans' benefits? 
Brian, who cares about deathbed conversions?  Why not look at what Saddam did during his life, and who he followed, which is Stalin?  But you say you are, you're quoting Laura Mylroie for your evidence.  Amazing stuff.  We throw away trillions by attacking states when our problem is stateless and we rely on best selling authors for justification. We're so clueless they're whupping us with cell phones and laptops while we develop state of the art weapons for WWII.  In the meantime, what are we doing about it?  Why, we're bellyaching about leftists...   

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian
Sent: Feb 14, 2007 7:40 AM
To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: comments the DEMs must defend

I will be happy to oblige in your distinctions if they are true, but they are not.  Saddam Hussein had a history of supporting terrorism and therefore militant Islam though you persist in saying this isn't so.  (I believe you have also propagated the notion that Saddam was secular but haven't explained why he went to the gallows with a Qur'an - asking that it be given to his friend after his death - and intoning the shahadah.)  Here is a slew of links about Saddam's links to al Qaeda and terrorism: 



On Feb 13, 2007, at 1:57 AM, JimKandJulieB@xxxxxxx wrote:

What I really mean is, evil and sadistic and vile as Hussein was, he neither represented, assisted, nor sponsored Militant Islam.  Could we please try to keep that fundamental difference straight if we're to discuss any of the incredible ME confusion with any clarity at all?

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