[lit-ideas] Re: Should Chirac join Bush in oblivion?

  • From: "Didier Agid" <dagid@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2004 20:13:14 +0100

Nothing against the US, Eric of course acknowledged. My plea was against a
candidate who repeated twice in a speech his country has a right to lead the
world, which affects all other countries and common international laws. Only
is this respect. My comments were on a candidate and only on his foreign
policy and didn't mention any other points like taxes, abortion or death
penalty for which you there are only qualified in an election process. These
questions can and are debated here, but as general "ideas", not for your or
our elections.
In Chirac speeches, you'll find no assertion that France has a right to
invade England and Spain because they are monarchies or China because it's a
dictature. Should he behave that way, do comment.
Yes, Chirac is a crook for many things, but, at least, he's a real statesman
with great experience and expertise on geopolitics (he's been in governments
since 1974...). I suppose (and hope) that was this expertise that led him to
stand up against the Bush administration for warning. France trades much
more with the US than it will ever with Iraq. I'm also convinced Haliburton
was not a key point in the decision to invade Iraq.
Now, I'd really wish international courts to be made competent for
cross-fronteer briberies and examin the Bushes, Cheney and Chirac behaviour,
that would be fairness. One day, the world will have to seriously look at
those markets were bribery is the common law.
Last June, we greeted and honoured Bush in Normandy as President of the US.
Seems we'll have that one 4 more years. OK, US chooses the US Pres. Any
other would have been better fort your image here... but we'll have to do
with him (no worry, we won't invade...).


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Eric Yost" <NYCEric@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2004 9:28 PM
Subject: [lit-ideas] Should Chirac join Bush in oblivion?

> Didier makes good sense in his plea to unseat Mr. Bush. Let's all hope
> that Bush is soon history.
> In the interest of fairness, I'd be interested in his and others'
> reactions to Chirac's role in the "oil for food scandal" and the oil
> voucher payments received to encourage weakening UN sanctions.
> Shouldn't Chirac also be history? If so why not?
> Eric
> PS: This post is dedicated to Julie, who suggested that there were some
> things too partisan to broach on Theoria. Let's see if lit-ideas offers
> better balance.
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