[lit-ideas] Re: More places to nuke

  • From: Eric <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 15:21:42 -0500

Simon: How many nukes have they made? Assuming
they are actually researching weapons, my
impression is that they are perhaps ten years away
from attaining the technology. Conversely, they
may be much closer to providing nuclear energy to
their population. Disregarding the dangers of
nuclear power plants for a moment, is that so wrong?


Wow, Simon, long time lurking! Glad you are posting.

Iran has all that natural gas and needs nuclear
power? Maybe they're thinking in the long view.

What do you make of the recent French assertion
that Iran's nuclear program can only have military
implications? Maybe Chirac is hoping for greater intimité with Ms. Rice?


"Today, it's simple — no civilian nuclear program can explain the Iranian nuclear program," said Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy on a morning news program on France 2 television. "So, it's an Iranian clandestine military nuclear program."


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