[lit-ideas] Re: Is Hizbollah a Resistance Organization or not?

  • From: "Andreas Ramos" <andreas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2006 22:16:13 -0700

From: "Lawrence Helm" <lawrencehelm@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Since Mike asked, I take Andreas note below to be consistent with the Leftist/Islamist position.

Lawrence, Leftists and Islamists have nothing in common. Each one comes from a long political and historical tradition and context. Neither could exist in the other's world. Someone who doesn't realize this would make the mistake of thinking that democracy can be established in Iraq at the point of a gun barrel.

There isn't enough here to see a developed political theory...

Oh, and you think there's a "developed political theory" in those states? C'mon, Lawrence, they couldn't care less for theory. And if someone had a political theory, he'd be shot.

Those states are authoritarian. That's not a theory. That's the exercise of power. Raw, simple power. Any threats get arrested, tortured, or shot. And that's the end of that "theory".

Lawrence, you make a mountain out of molehill. All your ideas about Iraq and the White House and reasons for the war and clash of civilizations would make Bush break out in one of his silly grins. He doesn't care for explanations or theories. He didn't even know there were Shiites and Sunni in Iraq, nor what that meant, nor the geopolitical implications. It was just pure power. Bomb the fuckers.

There is great irony here. Lawrence accuses the Left of idealism, but I'm certainly not an idealist. I'm a realist. I state the facts of the region: it's authoritarians who use power to crush dissidents. The White House on the other hand are filled with wild-eyed idealists who ignore reality and talk pipe-dreams of democracies and lasting peace.

You try to blame the Iraq disaster on the Left, but the Left is completely marginalized in the USA. Bush got everything he wanted for his war. Nobody in Washington stood up to him. This is entirely the project of the Neocons and Bush. They made the soup just the way they wanted. And now you try to blame others.

Take responsibility for your war. Say that you supported it and say that you got exactly what you wanted, and nobody interfered in your war.


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