[lit-ideas] Re: Erin's Course Dilemma

  • From: JimKandJulieB@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 10:24:09 EST

I was being facetious, late at night.  Apologies for any  offense.  I have 
been told that I over-rate academia.  I suppose my  brushes with academicians 
have been perhaps atypical and I may have an idealized  notion of what degrees 
represent.  I will never, though, come to a place  where I am not intimidated 
by and reverential of them.  Perhaps because I  set my sights terribly high 
when I was an idealistic youth, and never attained  what I sought ...  I was 
determined (cue for laughter here) to get graduate  degrees in linguistics, 
philosophy and music, to teach, write, and dabble in  ethno-musicology.  I took 
credit hours a semester, junior courses my  freshman year, slept 4 hours a 
night, drank 4 pots of coffee a day, and managed  a 3.9 gpa.  I decided on an 
in music, a BA with 2 majors, a  concentration and 2 minors and took only 
courses which applied -- no general ed  courses in the 2 1/2 years I attended.  
all my requirements for my AA  in music fulfilled but the jury, plus a good 
deal of the coursework for the  majors & concentration.  I could have been a 
fairly successful  professional student and loved every moment of it.  Oops, I 
think it's time  to switch out the laundry.  
Julie Krueger
========Original  Message========     Subj: [lit-ideas] Re: Erin's Course 
Dilemma  Date: 1/19/05 9:01:27 A.M. Central Standard Time  From: 
_phil.enns@xxxxxxxxxxxx (mailto:phil.enns@xxxxxxxxxxx)   To: 
(mailto:lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)   Sent on:    
Julie Krueger wrote:

"Uh, although I am not  a member of the literati, I remember palma's e-mail
address from way back --  he is/was one of the Real People With Degrees and
Letters After Their  Names.  Please show him more respect."

Given that Julie wasn't privy  to the less than polite comments of 'palma',
one would think she might  withhold judgment about the matter of my showing
more respect.  As to  the holding of degrees and having letters after one's
name, I have been  disabused of any notions I may have had that these might
indicate a quality  of ability or character.  As Henry Kissinger used to say:
you know why  university politics is so vicious? It is because there is so
little at  stake.


Phil Enns
Toronto,  ON

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