[lit-ideas] Re: Eric's Winter

  • From: "Andy Amago" <aamago@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2006 16:21:35 -0500

Some argue that we've gotten too sterilized.  Our immune systems don't have
enough to train on, so to speak.  Antibacterial soaps are especially bad
because they destroy good bacteria along with bad, disrupting the ecology
and allowing bad bacteria to flourish as well as become resistant.  In
fact, the latest (actually, it's not that new but it hasn't made it to
Reader's Digest) is the use of probiotics instead of antibiotics,
especially since antibiotics are becoming ineffective.  Probiotics are
ingesting good bacteria to keep up the internal flora, and not through
pills necessarily. The probiotic/we-are-our-bacteria idea is thought to be
necessary for a well functioning immune system.  Things like cholera happen
when drinking water and septic water mix, like after a hurricane or other
disaster.  Bacteria is one of those things that you can't outrun at any
temperature, so there's no point in trying.  Beef up the immune system with
nutrition (best selling advice is mostly garbage), make friends with
bacteria (it's only a few bad apples you have to worry about) and you'll
live to be 100.  BTW, being very careful when handling chicken and other
poultry and meats (salmonella, listeria, etc. purveyors) is a good place to
start to avoid bad bacteria and lots of handwashing with helps too with
preventing colds (those are viruses).  

> [Original Message]
> From: Eric Yost <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: 2/14/2006 1:33:42 PM
> Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: Eric's Winter
> You want revenge? The flowers are blooming.
> I like the cold, and don't really consider it cold 
> out until it's 15 F or below. It hasn't been cold 
> yet this year, just a little cool, with a lot of 
> oppressively hot 40 F days, which seem unhealthy 
> to me.
> Cold actually does promote a healthier 
> environment, as opposed to year-round temperate 
> climates where bacteria have no check to their 
> growth.
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