[lit-ideas] Re: Another Bush failure?

  • From: jimkandjulieb@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 15:06:18 -0400

Yeah know, when I first signed onto AOL (10 years ago? God!) I set it up using 
my then last name (divorced and remarried since).  I realized it probably 
wasn't a good idea to have my last name and info advertised, so I took a second 
screen name.  I've switched sn's over the years with moods -- RoseFyre was one 
...but I always kept JulieReneB as a constant because of listservs and not 
wanting to keep subscribing and unsubscribing every time I had a change of 
mood.  (When I got re-married it took the Elec Co 6 months to figure out my 
name change.  And that's in "real life"). Then I met my husband and we wanted a 
sn that both of us could use for e-mailing etc.  Hence JimKandJulieB.  I doubt 
any of those sn changes are fodder for either profound curiosity, paranoia, or 
suspicion of my character, or signal a need for deep psycho-analysis.  But hey, 
what does JulieReneB know, anyway.
Julie Krueger
names change
people change
you never step in the same river twice 
-----Original Message-----
From: atlas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 12:08 PM
Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: Another Bush failure?

>>Except that Mike's comment is a completely gratuitous insult for insult 
>>sake (which, if Mike needs to do it, I hope he understands why he needs to 
>>do it) I do regret having hurt the trust level of the list. However, 
>>people don't see WHY I did it, which has been explained and they don't >>care 
>>that I have tried as best I could to rectify it. 
> So... why on EARTH, nine months later, are you still posting as Andy > Amago? 
> Are you playing some weird fantasy game? 
There are 2 definitions for 'gratuitous': (1) "freely bestowed," from L. 
gratuitus "free, spontaneous, voluntary," from gratia "favor." -- first 
recorded 1656; (2) "uncalled for, done without good reason" -- first recorded 
1691. I admit that my insult -- if, indeed, it was an insult -- was gratuitous 
as it was freely bestowed. However, I don't believe it was an insult. I wrote 
it as a humorous comment -- therefore, it was done WITH good reason, ergo, it 
was not gratuitous by the second definition. The insult in all this, if indeed 
there is one, is in Irene's continued use of a pseudonym long past any 
purported reason for it. Which leads me to believe that there are deep, 
unexamined psychological needs in Irene that are in urgent need of examination. 
I shudder at the thought of examining them myself; however, seeing as how Andy 
has no problem delving into everyone else's psyche, so shall I -- but with 
great caution. Disclaimer: I am not a real psychologist, but I play one on t
 his List from time to time. And like all true players, I play, "not to win but 
to have fun" as Alexander the Great once put it. And was Alexander not the 
pupil of Aristotle? Yes, he was. Does that not then imbue play with great 
gravitas? Shouldn't Alexander then, as Aristotle's student, have known what was 
going on inside him, realized what his inner child was crying out for? Being 
Aristotle tutored, shouldn't Alexander the Great have been able to reconcile 
the alternating dotage and derision of his brutal and unpredictable father 
Phillip II? And shouldn't he have been able to integrate the unbridled 
ambitions and ruthless intrigues of his scheming mother Olympias into a 
healthy, loving, nurturing personality? Did he really need to kill his dearest 
friend, his soul mate, his next-to-self Cleitos in a drunken rage? Hmmm. Maybe 
so. It's hard to get at these answers. Mostly because we don't know the really 
pertinent questions. I know some among us think they do, and they thence
  have all the answers. But I'm not one of then. For instance, I don't know 
what question to put to Irene that will help us understand Andy. I wonder at 
Andy's verbal aggressiveness, his compulsion to weigh in on almost every issue, 
his tendency to pontificate, his off-hand dismissiveness of all who disagree 
with him as psychological cripples. I guess Irene just enjoys being a man. 
Nothing wrong with that. I do too. And I think I'd enjoy being a woman. Except 
for the menstruation and the hot flashes. Forget that. And having to deal with 
tedious lecherous men -- Christ, I'd rather kill myself.-- but, of course, 
there'd be some men I'd want to lust after me -- don't get me wrong. Given my 
givens, I think I might actually feel more plugged into existence as a woman. 
But what do I know? I know that I don't know what questions to put to myself as 
to why I do anything. Why do I kill my dearest soul mate (myself) in drunken 
rages? Who knows, who cares? In the end, we do what we do. 
 But I do think there's one difference between Andy and myself and that is that 
I do know that I don't know. 
Mike Geary 
I, too, welcome Jack Spratt. Hope you enjoy chewing the fat. (ha ha)  
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