[JA] Re: Free Rider Web Hours

  • From: "George Lunt" <glunt@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: <juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2003 20:21:28 -0800

On Mon, 24 Nov 2003 James E Henderson <jim.henderson@xxxxxxxx> writes:

>My single NZ account gives me Web access there and
>elsewhere, and I'm told you can get multiple tens of hours
>per month by opening multiple NetZero accounts, even
>on the same computer and phone line.

Hi Jim, and All,

That's not what it says on their site nor has it been my experience.
According to NetZero it's 10 hr per phone line.  Ten accounts using the
same phone line even if on different machines in a network can use 1 hr
each per month, or 1 account for 10 hr per month or any combination
thereof...  but the next minute used by anyone...  wham...  cut off.
Well, actually you'll be offered unlimited access for the rest of "your"
month for the price of a full month if you want or get cut off (been
there)...  but then you can go back to "10 hr free" the next month if
you want.

You use to be able to do what you suggest above with Juno accounts, but
as far as I know, never with NetZero.  Admittedly, I haven't messed with
either of these in over a year, so if anybody knows for sure what's
actually going on with NetZero, how 'bout letting us know.  Maybe I'll
make up a few extra NetZero accounts and try experimenting with them
over Thanksgiving and see what happens.  Might as well give Juno a go
too...  except I hate those ad banners...  but I suppose for "science"
sake... ;-)

George Lunt ..... so. cal.

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