[JA] Re: Free Rider Web Hours

  • From: thepccat@xxxxxxxx
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2004 08:20:24 -0800

On Sun, 8 Feb 2004 08:09:37 -0600 eeemailer@xxxxxxxx writes:
[...]So it seems that it IS the phone number which is 
> culprit
> here, not the account #? And THAT seems just to weird to me. 

Arbitrary abuse of Juno free and paid customers based on usage had
happened in the past, and a class action suit resulted which is being
paid off. for what little that might be worth. I doubt such would
deliberately happen in the present or the future, after this suit

 As I understand it, free users are limited to 10 hours per month, then
all they can get is their e-mail but no Internet connection time. Paid
users are given "unlimited access"--as far as I know, read your terms of
service for details. 

If it is the case that some user using some number[s] can actually exceed
the 10 hour usage, if this really happens, it is likely due to Juno/UO
technical or other means failing to operate in that circumstance. It
could be, for example, due to the particular connection from the user,
through the phone system, etc causing the hours accounting system not to
update. In the "golden era" of 1997-2000, variations of this sort of
thing was called DUNning--technical means to circumvent the regulation of
ISP systems in varying manners--and it became a somewhat popular sport,
had several discussion groups, etc. If such things became unusually
prevalent in a given circumstance, the usual procedure by the ISP
affected was either to change the system architecture or software, or
attempt to suppress free discussion of the existing loopholes by coming
down upon the group providers. I doubt much discussion of specific
technical means would find a happy home in this particular group. If such
things still exist, I'd imagine it is more underground.


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