[jewel] Re: Curious on progress and intent of the Obj-C fork of Jewel...

  • From: MJ Ray <markj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: jewel-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 25 May 2003 10:11:33 -0000

thisguyisi <thisguyisi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Just wondering what is going on with the Obj-C side of the project. I 

Very little, same as with the C++ side.  My thinking is that I'll fix the
C++ jewel's event model and make that work "nearly right" and then try to
port it to ObjC if Brett doesn't beat me to it.

I agree with you that both Interface WM and WOOM have things going for them,
but they're both going in different directions to Jewel.  Interface WM looks
most likely to give results in the short term, IMO, but I wouldn't want
to code it and I've not had a happy time trying to use it.

> It would be interesting and probably a swell idea if all of the 
> GNUstep-oriented window manager project shared code for 
> consistency/modularity and a lessening of abberent/unintuitive 
> implementation.

There's a problem there, as there are a few ways to implement the basic
core of the window manager and I think we all have a different approach
to doing that.  I *think* that WOOM is basically your Window Maker way
ported into ObjC, while InterfaceWM is built around an event queue and
Jewel has objects that react to stimuli (our XEvent handlers basically
should just prod objects into action).  I might have got those mixed
up, but there were significant differences between the approaches.

I don't think we have tabbed code ourselves yet (unless I've missed
a patch that I should have integrated), but the existance of other
aewm-based window managers doing tabbing should mean it's not a hard
thing to add.

The other thing to think about is that I want to get a very robust and
sweet core, doing the bare minimum to be a useful window manager, then
add support for StepTalk and let people use the scripting languages to
extend it.  I've not talked to Brett about that in detail yet, though.

> Just my personal opinion, besides I thought I would contribute an idea 
> or two rather than just lurk and see what the project was up to.

Yeah, thanks.  I'm getting occasional bounces off of your email address,
by the way.

MJR/slef   My Opinion Only and possibly not of any group I know.
      http://mjr.towers.org.uk/   jabber://slef@xxxxxxxxx
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