[gmpi] Re: My plugin system

  • From: Paul Davis <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2003 07:25:24 -0400

>That of course is possible (and already exists in the form of CsoundVST).
>However, what Juhana was proposing was, to my mind, somewhat more
>interesting: using Csound (or something like it) to do a lot of the internal
>plumbing in the GMPI system. Unless I'm very much mistaken, the definition
>of the Csound opcode interface is much simpler than what we have been
>discussing on this list, yet it does everything that we require. The
>complexity is pushed into programming in the Csound language and into the
>Csound runtime itself - and that stuff already exists.

i don't think that most people here consider the goal(s) of GMPI to
include this kind of work so explicitly. as you know (having been the
instigator of CsoundVST), its entirely possible to bundle up

and other similar programs and make them run as a plugin. there is no
reason to put the complexity of such programs into each and every GMPI
host. furthermore, in the case of Csound, the program is so absolutely
and fundamentally un-thread-safe (globals everywhere) that using it as
a basis for doing this is, well ... unattractive. 

having each and everyone of these available as a "plugin": that's
attractive. its also sort of what JACK is all about, although JACK
doesn't meet many of the important goals of GMPI (things like
automation, in particular). Apple has done the right thing in OS X in
getting everyone to use a common programming model that facilitates
this kind of plugging-in - they haven't gone quite far enough IMHO in
ensuring that every audio program can "plugin" to everything else
(AudioUnits are always presented as a "plugin API" - something that
ProTools should support rather than "be"). Luckily for OS X users,
JACK is fixing that for them, all without recompiling too!


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