[gmpi] Re: My plugin system

  • From: Tim Hockin <thockin@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 9 Oct 2003 14:53:01 -0700

On Thu, Oct 09, 2003 at 08:38:27PM +0300, Juhana Sadeharju wrote:

> >I don't think GMPI is aiming to be as low-level as "Sine Oscillator" and
> >"VCA" modules.  While it COULD, there are optimizations you can make in such
> >a modular system that GMPI can't make.  Is that what you are asking about?
> Yes, but the important thing was the plugin re-usability.
> A plugin system which would scale from low-level to high-level
> is possible, I'm sure. One could always offer a monolithic plugin
> opcode if optimization is desired.

I think you'll find the people on this list disagree by-and-large.  Most of
the plugins GMPI is looking to replace are monolithic.  That is how
companies make money on plugins.  No one is paying for a "Sine Oscillator"
VST.  Optimizing the API for such tiny plugins at the cost of monolithic
plugins would be a mistake, IMHO.  Now if we can make BOTH easy, then let's
do it.  But focus on monolithic FIRST.

> I have separate early reflection, late reverb, multitap delay sections.
> Currently all have C function wrappings and I may combine the sections
> arbitrarily if I write a master C function. Without writing monolithic
> code, for changing the reverb structure, either I should touch the C code,
> or combine separate plugins with the third party host. There is no
> possibility to define a plugin using existing plugins or effect sections.
> Flow graph would be a solution if it would be a part of the standard/
> public SDK.

You COULD make all three be first-order GMPI plugins, but I'd suggest that
if you really want to do something more useful, make a GMPI plugin that lets
you re-arrange these modules internally.  Modular-synth style, but for a
reverb.  It's interesting.

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