[geocentrism] Re: Yearly Oscillating Helical Orbital Path

  • From: Neville Jones <njones@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 05:05:29 -0800


No, the stars do not move North and South annually. They appear to, because the ecliptic plane is inclined at 23.44 degrees to the plane of the celestial equator, so the Sun gets higher or lower in the sky - thus affecting which stars and constellations we see. This is all demonstrated with computer-generated animation in GU 3.0


-----Original Message-----
From: pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 09:42:31 +1000
To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [geocentrism] Re: Yearly Oscillating Helical Orbital Path

Too complex for me..  I asked the question a year ago, did the stars move north and south with the suns seasons.. someone affirmed it..  therefore my image of the cosmos , putting it in a two dimensiona plane from  a celestial sphere , was as a huge disc around the equator with imbedded celestial bodies, and this disc moved up and down annually as it rotated around us daily.
That giving you the graphics, it means the reality is the sphere oscillates N-S annually. 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 12:40 AM
Subject: [geocentrism] Re: Yearly Oscillating Helical Orbital Path


How does the Sun "spiral orbit" if it is "fixed within the rotating firmament"?


-----Original Message-----
From: bbrauer777@xxxxxxxxx
Sent: Tue, 23 Sep 2008 07:21:09 -0700 (PDT)
To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [geocentrism] Re: Yearly Oscillating Helical Orbital Path

"The distance from the sun to the Earth varies some three million miles annually, but that is readily accounted for in a "perfect spiral" and doesn't require an elliptical path."
I changed it to this now:
*Right image (below): The sun, fixed within the rotating firmament, spiral-orbits the Earth north-south and clockwise from the Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of Capricorn in six months and then alters course laterally to spiral-orbit south-north and clockwise for the next six months. Seasons result from the yearly oscillating helical/concentric orbital path of the sun around the untilted stationary Earth.

--- On Mon, 9/22/08, Allen Daves <allendaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
From: Allen Daves <allendaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [geocentrism] Yearly Oscillating Helical Orbital Path
To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Monday, September 22, 2008, 4:54 PM

It is the angle of the suns rays not this particular distance  because it is only 1.5% change from the average distance ( 3% total from furtherest to nearest point)  does not change the intensity of the sun's rays to any meaningfull degree..in fact the sun is closest in the winter (january 91.4 million miles 147.09 million km)  and futerest in the summer ( July 94.51 million miles 152.10 million km)
as for the hotest day ..that is due to a lot of factors...where you are on the globe and not just north or south of the equtor but look...some the worlds desterts lay on the same lattitude as rain forest do...it is not as simple as how much sun a location gets that determines it's weather...
Then the changes in the sun's radius would also cause changes
in the intensity of sunlight that reaches the Earth, thereby affecting
temperature. I wonder if at the top of the cycle ( Tropic of Cancer/Summer
Solstice )
that the sun is the furthest away and then over the next three months
moves to its closest position and then out again heading south still
over the next three months. Because I was wondering why the hottest day of the
year was about July 27 and not around June 27, so that might account for it.
--- On Mon, 9/22/08, Allen Daves <allendaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
From: Allen Daves <allendaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [geocentrism] Yearly Oscillating Helical Orbital Path
To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Monday, September 22, 2008, 12:44 PM

Is the sun's orbital path elliptical in one 24 hour period?


You have to imagine a spiral like the tip of a screw...it is constantly changing it’s size growing larger then smaller again

The spiral is:

 at its largest radius 94.51 million miles from earth

at its smallest radius  91.4 million miles from earth

Therefore:…. The radius of the sun’s orbit ( the spiral)  is constantly changing. Lets say it ( the spriral) starts out small at 91.4 million miles , the radius will constantly growing by :


8,219.178 miles per day ( after one day the spiral will be this much larger or smaller)

342 miles per hour( after one hour the spiral will be this much larger or smaller)

5.7 miles per min ( after one min the spiral will be this much larger or smaller)

.095 miles per sec ( after one sec the spiral will be this much larger or smaller)

This is the rate at which the radius of the sun’s orbit ( the spiral) either grows larger until it reaches 94.51 million miles (152.10 million km) from earth and then it will begin to grow smaller at that same rate until the earth sun distance (radius) reaches 91.4 million miles (147.09 million km)

A good way to imagine this is to look at a potters wheel as it turns..it turns once every 24 hours .at the center is the earth ..…place your finger in the clay, you make a circle, this is the sun.......now slowly move your finger out 3% of the radius of your first circle..now move your finger inward 3%...... that is the motion of the sun albeit the sun would also move in a spiral helix up and down while it is moving out and in by 3% of the radius…..there are two motions here one is up then down the other is in then out again..... So there is the spiral up and down motion to account for the seasons but the size of the spiral is constantly changing to account for changes in the distance over the course of a year….

--- On Mon, 9/22/08, Bernie Brauer <bbrauer777@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
From: Bernie Brauer <bbrauer777@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [geocentrism] Re: Yearly Oscillating Helical Orbital Path
To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Monday, September 22, 2008, 11:43 AM

Allen Daves wrote:
"The orbit of the sun is elliptical around the earth it is not a perfect spiral."
Is the sun's orbital path elliptical in one 24 hour period?
Is so, then what are the times of the day and night for the
major and minor axis?
Ellipse, showing semi-latus rectum

--- On Mon, 9/22/08, Bernie Brauer <bbrauer777@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
From: Bernie Brauer <bbrauer777@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [geocentrism] Yearly Oscillating Helical Orbital Path
To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Monday, September 22, 2008, 9:25 AM

reformatted to adjust/fix horizontal scrolling
Is my wording in red below correct?
L:  Earth is stationary due to perfectly balanced Interactive Electromagnetic Forces.
R:  The sun, fixed within the rotating firmament, spiral-orbits the Earth north-south and clockwise from the Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of Capricorn in six months and then alters course laterally to spiral-orbit south-north and clockwise for the next six months. Seasons result from the yearly oscillating helical orbital path of the sun around the untilted/upright stationary Earth.




“Earth is stationary due to pefectly balancedInteractive Electromagnetic Forces.”


That is one idea…


1. That is one idea but it really misses the fundamental root reason, even in terms of physics….if you go build a Ferris wheel the foundation is what everything else rest upon……the fact is that when the physical universe was laid down the earth is at the physical foundation from where all the rest of the universe was constructed upon. You see if you build a building it would be silly to ask why does the foundation not move? It can’t move because the physical universe is build upon this spot………of course you could destroy the building by trying to move the foundation…….in-fact Dodwell’s curve demonstrates a logarithmic sine wave curve of a table top gyroscope…where the earth is or is at the spot where the point to which the universe is “hinged” to… it can’t move because it is physically impossible to move the foundation stone without moving the whole universe.


2. The orbit of the sun is elliptical around the earth it is not a perfect spiral. This is the point to which I keep trying to make there is absolutely no reason for a translational orbit except to explain why the earths orbit cannot be seen from the earth…However as I keep pointing out this would and can only hold true looking from on earth. The relative motions between the other positions would not show the same things depending on what the actual motion is… 


Allen Daves 

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