[geocentrism] Re: Puzzle

  • From: Paul Deema <paul_deema@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2007 17:00:07 +0000 (GMT)

Robert B
You in blue, me in teal.
The wondrous pot - A logic puzzle which is prima facie illogical:
Unlimited first order wishes, where ʽfirst orderʼ doesnʼt circumvent the puzzle 
logic. ʽcircumventionʼ or ʽsolutionʼ is left to the adminʼs subjective 
discretion. This is normal. "The judge(s) decision is final and no 
correspondence will be entered into".
Condemnation to hell as a punishment for amoral behavior? Unchristian as well. 
Logic and Christianity are apples and oranges. In any event, it's not a 
morality puzzle.
A missing info item is the origin of the pot, since the potʼs creator could not 
have bought it. This information is not necessary to solve the puzzle.
Nevertheless, one of the possible solutions is interesting, for its moral 
The key is to consider why the salesman wants to sell the pot. Perhaps he's on 
commission? The value is surely more than the asking price. The bottom line is 
that he must sell it to avoid hell If you assume that the salesman owns it! 
(unless immortality is a permitted wish), This must surely be considered second 
order. and thereʼs no guarantee he will ever be able to sell it No Condition of 
Sale ever guarantees that. (unless thatʼs a permitted wish). I think this must 
also be considered second order. Since the salesman can wish for as many $ as 
he wants, the asking price is a non-issue. If he owns the pot.
In fact he would even give it away or pay the king to take it, The conditions 
state that it must be sold and for less than was paid for it. but then his 
dilemma would be obvious. This is not a pot of gold, but an albatross. 
Realizing this situation, the king correctly refuses the deal. But you haven't 
explained why you think it's an albatross.
The moral: 
What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, yet lose his immortal soul? 
Paul D

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