[geocentrism] Re: Climate change

  • From: Neville Jones <njones@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 11:51:41 -0800

Well said, Jack.
Paul probably thinks that "conspiracy theories" lurk under every rock, but often a "conspiracy theory" is simple logical deduction and awareness.
For example:
1. CO2 = greenhouse gas = global warming = major catastrophe
2. Major catastrophe = danger = need to combat danger
3. Need to combat danger = reliance upon government to 'protect us all'
4. Reliance upon government to 'protect us all' = accepting measures that they bring in
5. Measure brought in = increase tax on fossil fuels + flight Levi
6. Increased tax on fossil fuels =/= less buying of fuel
7. Increased tax on fossil fuels = work harder for less money
8. Increased tax on fossil fuels = more money for military invasion of ... ?
(Note that no. 6, if really desired, could be achieved via rationing.)
So, Zionist Bush, Zionist Bliar and Zionist Olmert, steal all the oil they can, killing anyone who gets in the way, for their bankster, Zionist backers.
Simple really, as long as the gullible public buy item number 1 in the list, of course.

-----Original Message-----
From: jack.lewis@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Thu, 31 May 2007 20:16:04 +0100
To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [geocentrism] Re: Climate change

Dear JA,
It's all about controlling people. There is a hidden agenda behind all this and its obvious, in my opinion, that the real power isn't with governments but those faceless people who control the governments (financiers etc.). Terrorism and drugs are the tools being used. Haven't you noticed that because of the 'terrorist' threat we are now getting used to seeing armed police and military in places where we once didn't? We are being asked to give up a 'little' of our freedoms in order for the authorities to 'protect' us from these 'terrorists'. CCTV is rampant everywhere, certainly in the UK, and we are told that it is to combat crime. What better way of watching our movements, 1984 and all that! Its all about control and its being done by the gradual erosion of freedoms. As for the increasing use of computers, Internet, mobile phones and wireless technology nothing is private, hidden or secret anymore. 
Any comment anyone?

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