[birdky] Schochoh, Logan Co., weekend list

  • From: Stephen Tyson <kytysons9152@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: BirdKY <birdky@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 7 May 2023 19:47:56 -0500

We counted 71 species, here at the house, this weekend.  That matches last year and is four short of our best ever for this early-May weekend (2021).  That 75 was our highest weekend count in our nearly-nineteen years, here.Frank Lyne reported that his White-crowned Sparrows left overnight and ours did too! We counted five just yesterday.  I counted 18 Pipits on Friday evening and they now seem to be missing, too, but the northbound wind did bring lots of new birds.  I’m certain that we’d have added more but the wind made it really hard to pick out the little things.  Today has been a blowout, so I spent little time outside until after the late-afternoon deluge, when the wind calmed down a bit. We added ten first-of-year species this weekend, and three others were here this weekend that made their first appearance since our last report, two weeks ago (we were away last weekend).  I noted, below, when they first appeared.We counted eight Warbler species, including FOY Blackburnian, Tennessee, Chestnut-sided, Black-and-White, and Blackpoll.  This morning, the Tennessee was singing from the trees along the driveway.  I’d never heard one singing here and it was loud enough that I could hear it over the wind! Yesterday morning, the Ovenbird was singing from under the trees of the near-bank in the old pond depression. I first heard one singing out there on April 28 and that was also the first Ovenbird song that I’d ever heard, here. The Black-and-White and Blackpoll were part of a fallout related to the storm, late this afternoon. I spotted our FOY Wood-Pewee from the breakfast nook, this morning.  Great-crested Flycatchers were slow to arrive but we finally heard one on Wednesday and now we can hardly go outside without hearing them!  We finally confirmed our FOY Summer Tanager on Friday, and one stopped in the blueberry bush, outside our window, while we ate lunch today (a Yellow Warbler was in the drip bath, near the blueberry, at about that time - Flickr photo link below).  We counted three Vireos, including our FOY Red-eyed, yesterday.  I heard our FOY Dickcissel, yesterday, though I didn’t get a look at it.  Perhaps the most surprising thing in this list was a FOY Merlin that zipped past, early this morning, flying low and strong and directly north. I wouldn’t have noticed it if the Starlings hadn’t suddenly scattered while making their alarm calls. We’ve seen and heard a few Rose-breasted Grosbeaks but none at the feeders, where we’ve counted them in past years.  

Yellow Warbler - pausing for a quick bath - by Debby Tysonflic.kr

Stephen (Steve) Tyson, Schochoh, Logan Co., KYSpecies Name:Canada Goose Mallard 
Northern Bobwhite 
Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) 
Eurasian Collared-Dove 
Mourning Dove 
Chimney Swift 
Ruby-throated Hummingbird 
Great Blue Heron 
Black Vulture 
Turkey Vulture 
Red-tailed Hawk 
Great Horned Owl 
Red-headed Woodpecker 
Red-bellied Woodpecker 
Downy Woodpecker 
American Kestrel 
Merlin (FOY)
Eastern Wood-Pewee (FOY)

Great Crested Flycatcher (FOY - Wed)
Eastern Kingbird 
White-eyed Vireo 
Warbling Vireo 
Red-eyed Vireo (FOY)
Blue Jay 
Carolina Chickadee 
Tufted Titmouse 
Purple Martin 
Tree Swallow 
Barn Swallow 
White-breasted Nuthatch
House Wren 
Carolina Wren 
European Starling 
Gray Catbird 
Brown Thrasher 
Northern Mockingbird 
Eastern Bluebird
American Robin 
Cedar Waxwing 
House Sparrow 
American Pipit 
House Finch 
American Goldfinch 
Chipping Sparrow 
Field Sparrow 
White-crowned Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow 
Song Sparrow 
Eastern Towhee 
Eastern Meadowlark 
Orchard Oriole 
Baltimore Oriole 
Red-winged Blackbird 
Brown-headed Cowbird 
Common Grackle
Ovenbird (FOY - April 28)Black-and-White Warbler (FOY)
Tennessee Warbler (FOY)
Blackburnian Warbler (FOY)
Yellow Warbler 
Chestnut-sided Warbler (FOY)Blackpoll Warbler (FOY)
Palm Warbler 
Summer Tanager (FOY)
Northern Cardinal
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (FOY - April 28)
Blue Grosbeak Indigo Bunting 
Dickcissel (FOY)

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