[argyllcms] Re: Contrast vs Brightness on my LCD monitor and related questions

  • From: "Pascal de Bruijn" <pmjdebruijn@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: argyllcms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2008 19:16:25 +0100

On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 6:10 PM, Leonard Evens <len@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I have a Samsung 226CW LCD monitor which I'm trying to calibrate using
> argylkl version 1.03.  (Last year I managed to do it with version 0.8,
> but I can't remember what I did, and the monitor is much to dim with the
> old settings.)
> There are controls for Brightness and Contrast.  I am trying to figure
> out just what they are doing.   Does either set the light level from the
> light source?  Or do both just manipulate the monitor's internal LUT?

The brightness should regulate the brightness of the backlight. I'm
not entirely sure
about the contrast.

> dispcal -v -o -yl ..., white level (option 3) tells me to set LCD
> brightness, but either of them changes what is reported as the white
> level in cd/m^2.  If I use Brightness to set the white level, what
> should I use contrast for?

Before trying to calibrate a screen I generally reset the screen to
it's defaults. Then
make sure you disable any dynamic contrast, but leave the static
contrast at it's default.

Then set the screens color temperature to custom, and use equal R-G-B values,
usually 255-255-255. This should prevent the screen from doing any of
it's own color

Then start dispcal, and set the brightness to a set level of cd/m2, I
use ~300cd/m2. Re-evaluate the brightness every three month's or so.
It's generally
a good thought never to start with full brightness, and this won't
allow you to compensate
for when the backlight has aged. I think I can get ~300cd/m2 at a
brightness level of 67%,
which gives me lots of headroom for the future...

Then start the profiling using the normal procedure...

Pascal de Bruijn

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