[openbeos] way to go on waltercon ... linuxworld

  • From: "Michael S" <mikesum32@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2007 01:45:39 -0400

There aren't word to describe what I'm feeling, but I'll try anyhow. The way
you just pulled the rug out from under me just mere hours after I bought
non-refundable tickets is simply infuriating. I'm out over 400 dollars. It
seems pretty clear that with priceline and name your own price, you can't
get a refund, although there might be a way buried in the fine print. If all
else fails I might call the credit card company. I know *I* was going. Brayn
Varner, Michael Phipps, and probably Isaac Yonemoto would've attended as
well. I would think Jonathan Thompson, Darkwyrm and Gabe would have gone
too. Isaac suggested to me that a trip to Menlo Park might be in order.
Menlo Park being the former home of Be Inc, not to be confused with the
Menlo Park in New Jersey where Thomas Edison worked.

Just because Haiku is a non-profit run by volunteers doesn't mean it has to
feel like amateur hour. The phrase fly-by-night springs to mind. I feel I
could've done a better job and I'm scatter-brained most of the time.

Firstly, more notice beforehand would be nice. Specifically, the when and
where, not just some unspecified date in August in some region of the
country. Three months would be good. This wasn't a huge problem for me, but
for some other people I'm sure it played a role.

Secondly, OSNews didn't pick it up as far as I know. You need to spread the
word. Send an e-mail, write a business-style press release.

Thirdly, communication is key. I sent an e-mail to Darkwyrm at gmail dot com
on the 14th of July with my t-shirt size and date of arrival, as requested
on the waltercon site. I said I'd pay in a week or two. I didn't get
anything back. A simple "I received your e-mail," would suffice. How about a
we-need-more-people-to-attend-or-we-cancel news posting ? That would've
helped a week ago.

Fourth, what else is there to do ? I think Bryan was bringing his wife.
Maybe Czeslaw would decide to drag his wife and child to San Francisco. I've
heard it said, that being with someone you love and watching as they enjoy
themself gives the other person equal enjoyment. What I haven't heard said
is that this only goes so far and is going to wear off.
Anyway, there needs to be a list of other things to do on a traveler's

Free samples and a walking tour anyone ?

I'm not talking about everything there is to see and do, but a list of
public transportation e.g.bus stops and shuttle services and the fare and
pick up schedules would be helpful. Also a list of other things to do would
be nice. Historical sites, night clubs, live music, book stores, libraries,
unique architectural curiosities, shopping malls and movie theaters would
all be nice. I'm sure the local visitor's bureau would send out dozens of
pamphlets for free.

I started off really angry. Most of that is gone, but what's left isn't much
better. I'm reminded of the "7 Ps," or a variation of the alliterative
phrase. "Poor Prior Planning Produces Piss Poor Performance."

Do I blame Michael Phipps, Darkwyrm, the establishment (MacOS, Windows,
Linux) the man (Bill Gates, Linus, Steve Jobs) or the system (osnews,
slashdot) ? I'm reminded of Koki, but let's not start the European Waltercon
debate; this failure is due to not spreading the word , and not getting the
announcement out early and basically the apathetic "it'll take care of
itself" attitude.

Is this the same LinuxWorld that Koki canceled ?

"somebody is whining because the only person who had an idea, took the
initiative and actually did *all* the footwork exercises his right to make a
decision on what he started in the first place. Well, go tell that somebody
to feel free to move his big ass and do it himself next time. :P Oh, and you
can quote me on this if you wish.

... the 'move the big ass' statement was actually figurative."

That was from him right after the shit hit the fan, as they say.

Did I mention that I e-mailed just about everyone with an idg.com e-mail
address on the 24th of May ? I think Michael said they were out of room for
the no cost section ? What changed ?

Lastly, what am I going to do with this ?

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