[zxspectrum] Re: Materiale vario

  • From: Enrico Maria Giordano <e.m.giordano@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: The ZX Spectrum Mailing-List <zxspectrum@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 08 Mar 2015 19:42:56 +0100

Questo è del 1996:

        CONVERT  - a general conversion program: can list out BASIC and
                   tranlate it back, produce .GIF or .PCX files from
                   screendumps, translate Spectrum ASCII (CR) to PC ASCII
                   (CR/LF), and some other things.
        CONVZ80  - Translates various snapshot and tape formats of other
                   Spectrum emulators into each other.  Can handle Arnt
                   Gulbrandsen's (JPP) .SNA format, Pedro Gimeno's
                   (VGASPEC and SPECTRUM) .SP format and Kevin J. Phairs'
                   (SPECEM) .PRG format.  It can also handle tape files
                   of SPECEM and L. Rindt and E. Brukner's emulator ZX.
        DISCIPLE - Reads DISCiPLE and Plus D diskettes, both 3.5'' and
                   5.25''.  It translates the 48K and 128K snapshot files
                   to .Z80 snapshots, and ordinary files and screen
                   snapshots to .TAP tape files.
        Z802TAP  - Converts a .Z80 snapshot, 48K or 128K, to a .TAP file
                   which can be loaded into the emulator and saved to tape
                   by the next utility:
        TAP2TAPE - Saves the contents of a .TAP file back to tape, to
                   load it into an ordinary Spectrum.
        Z80DUMP  - Shows the contents of the header of a .Z80 file.


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