[ZeroBrane Studio] Re: best 2D game environment for a youngster?

  • From: Joe Strout <joe@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: zerobrane@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2015 22:16:15 -0700

Paul K wrote:

Going back 3.5 years, ZBS started as a Lua editor to debug Lua scripts
that were controlling a small Arduino-based robot (from a mobile device
atached to the robot; I was using an iPod at the time). I was looking
for something that I could run step-by-step on the device (from a
desktop) so that kids/students would see how the robot can react and be
controlled by a script.

Can you tell me more about this? I've got a Redpark iPhone serial adapter, and plenty of Arduino (and other) robots around, but haven't yet put them together. I thought I'd have to write the code in Cocoa/ObjC, which is a bit deep into the unpleasant zone for me (and way beyond what I would subject my son to).

But if I could hook it up and do the coding in Lua -- well, that would really be something!

- Joe

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