[ZeroBrane Studio] Re: Debugging question

  • From: Paul K <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: zerobrane@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 11:53:52 -0700

Hi Clive,

> When I call these functions during a debug session. must I have those modules 
> in the
> same directory as the one I am debugging to get the debugger to step into
> them or is there a directory search list for external script files which the
> debugger will use?

ZBS expects the project structure to be the same on both sides. The
path leading to the project folder may be different (for example:
/usr/me/myproject/a/b/c on the remote computer and
d:\user\me-again\myproject\a\b\c on the local one), but inside the
project folder it should be the same.

Make sure that you either have the file opened or have
editor.autoactivate set to true

If you enable "autoactivate", you will see a message in the output
panel when the IDE fails to load/find the file the execution is
stopped on the remote side.

Is there any particular reason you have a different structure locally?
Do you have a simple example you'd like me to check?


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