[Wittrs] On the Experience of Self-Awareness

  • From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: wittrsamr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 03 Nov 2009 04:42:49 -0500

void wrote:

>Names are misleading phenomena so one got to be careful with names or
>tags.Little amount of experience is the experienced.This sentence can
>not lead any further investigation.So let us put it this way.

>Whoever is making some sound is the experienced and is its world.This
>is also called as perceived.This perceives its own formated data since
>it got restricted with the experience.Like this experienced is going
>merry go round in his experience.This was called a language game by LW.

>Is there any let out of this circular movement or not is the question.

let us try to accurately describe the situation of the experiencing I
before we try to decide whether there is a way out of that situation.

to that end, let us first rule out the possibility that you are using
'experience' the way that I use 'experiencer'.

let's say I induce the experience of seeing an afterimage. I stare at a
magenta colored index card for about a minute and then look at a white
surface in good light. I will see a rectangular patch of 'greenness'.
that patch of greenness is the experienced afterimage. I am the
experiencer of that which is experienced. do you not agree?



Nothing Unreal is Self-Aware



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