[C] [Wittrs] Re: Re: !!!Re: Re: Metaphysical Versus Mystical

  • From: kirby urner <kirby.urner@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: wittrsamr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 22:33:35 -0800

On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 1:50 AM, kirby urner <kirby.urner@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

<< snip >>

> Wittgenstein is less the positivist and more the mystic because "that
> which it makes no sense to speak about" ends up having high ethical
> value, whereas "that which is the case" is meaningless in a different
> way:  is simply what's so (is the case) and who cares about that?
> (Answer:  the self, but then "caring" is not a

Hmmm, going back and finding I didn't even complete that sentence.

Turns out I care, want to fix it.

(Answer:  the self, but then "caring" is not a "fact in the world" so
much as a relationship to the world (of facts)).

I think the shift from the Tractatus to the PI is from "noun sense" to
"verb sense".  The Tractatus is nominalist, in a sense Wittgenstein
might agree to.

[ Hey, who else has 'Wittgenstein - The Later Philosophy' by
Henry Le Roy Finch?  Humanities Press, 1977.  Good stuff on
"nominalism" in there.

We cannot in Wittgenstein's philosophy get what the nominalist
wants -- names fastened to particulars in such a way that the
name stands for just this one unique thing.  This may seem to
deny the possibility of proper names until we ask ourselves just
what proper names name and how they are used.  We then
recall that we cannot even apply proper names unless we have
ways of identifying, so that even in this case it is not the unique
particularity which is being named, but rather some assemblage
of different recognizable features.  Even proper names must
have senses or must have uses (PI 79, 87).

Got to meet the author, invited by our Princeton faculty, to
share with us.  A privilege and an honor. ]

PI is "verb sense" in that "to use" is "to do" -- one uses a tool.  This
makes our role more creative, not just descriptive.  The active agent
is in the mix somehow.  In TLP (Tractatus), one is more removed,
an observer.

Not claiming this insight is unique with me, more just saying I agree
with this way of comparing them.  The PI has a more liberal idea of
what language does.  It's a participant, a decider, not just a describer.

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