[Wittrs] Re: Dennett's brain

  • From: Sean Wilson <whoooo26505@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: wittrs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 13 Sep 2009 18:39:20 -0700 (PDT)

... well, the penalties aren't moral. They really aren't "penalties" more than 
they are "pointers." So there is never anything to apologize for. Imagine 
someone saying to you, "your tires need air," when you couldn't see the same. 
You wouldn't say "I'm sorry." 

As to knowing when tires need air, very often you can't see this at all when 
you are in the car. You therefore need the pointers.

Of couse, you can reduce the risk of preventing deflation in the tire. To do 
that, try not to drive over nails.  Nails are little, of course, and very often 
cannot be seen. But you do have more notice in here of where nails are than you 
do out on the road. In here, for example, you know that a poster's capacity 
cannot be talked about, which means that even if a person hypothetically (or 
intentionally) makes dumb and silly remarks, one could never interject as a 
point of discussion that the person is being dumb and silly. This isn't because 
it would be wrong to do so -- a debatable point -- it is because: (a) it is 
irrelevant to the group; and (b) encourages replies of like kind. 

And so one thinks no nails are on the road, but after driving thousands of 
miles, the tire suddenly becomes a little low. And a good samaritan like myself 
simply points it out. The only purpose being charity and benevolence -- and, of 
course, continued safe driving.

Yours in Goodyear.   
Dr. Sean Wilson, Esq.
Assistant Professor
Wright State University
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