[windows2000] Re: New RDP Client, again

  • From: "Ray Costanzo" <rcostanzo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <windows2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2007 11:11:55 -0500

I hadn't heard of that.  I located it at http://www.rdesktop.org/, but
what's with all the "download the source" links.  Do I just use any C
compiler to compile it?  I understand why such things exist and get the
whole open-source world and all that, but it's also nice just to download a
setup.exe from time to time.  J


Thanks Jim.


Ray at work


From: windows2000-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:windows2000-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jim Kenzig
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 10:49 AM
To: windows2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [windows2000] Re: New RDP Client, again


Use Rdesktops Ray it is way better.



On 3/1/07, Ray Costanzo <rcostanzo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: 

Hi list,


I'd like to share an opinion.  THE NEW RDP CLIENT SUCKS!


Here are my issues:


.         The way that it saves logon credentials is very frustrating.  For
one, it takes about 15 steps to get the credentials setup, and as far as I
can tell, I can't setup RDP files with saved credentials without actually
connecting to the remote machine. 

.         Secondly, it seems that the logon credentials are not stored in
the RDP file.  This is infuriating.  I have a bunch of RDP files, many of
which connect to the same machine.  But, they are meant to have different
logon credentials.  But, this seems to no longer be possible, since the
credentials are saved on a per-host basis.  I'm going to have to fall back
to setting up unique host names in my HOSTS file to get around this. 

.         What the hell is the point in making me enter logon credentials in
the RDP client instead of just entering them in the Windows logon dialog box
if I've chosen not to specify credentials yet?  It seems as though the
reasoning behind this has something to do with security.  I guess this kinda
makes sense, although it's only applicable when connecting to another Vista
machine (and the new server OS, I'll assume).  I also find this to be a bit
of a PITA, and I hope it's a configurable option on the host machine whether
or not to allow ad-hoc connections to the logon screen. 

.         The logon credentials dialog box requires too many clicks, but
this seems to be the theme in Vista.

.         I can understand (but don't like) why I can't paste the password
textbox in the user credentials dialog, but why can't I paste into the
username area?  Basic functionality. 


Thanks for letting me bitch.


Ray at work


Jim Kenzig 
Microsoft MVP - Terminal Services
Citrix Technology Professional
Provision Networks VIP
CEO The Kenzig Group
Blog: http://www.techblink.com 

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