Winam on a Mac [was "Re: response from FS regarding winamp scripts and windows 7"]

  • From: Christopher Chaltain <chaltain@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: winamp4theblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 17:27:58 -0500

I don't want to question why anyone would want to run Winamp on a Mac, especially on a Winamp list, but I would guess that Macs probably come with a pretty nice media player that works pretty well with VoiceOver. I'd suggest checking out iTunes on the Mac before going down the path of trying to get Winamp and a Windows screen reader to run in a virtual Windows box. If you're going to go to that effort then I wonder if you wouldn't be losing the benefits of cuttng over to a Mac in the first place.



On 4/7/2010 4:46 PM, Steve Zielinski wrote:
Wouldn't you still need to have a screen reader installed? In other words, you run the windows programs on the Mac, but you need a windows screen reader like window-EEyes, Jaws or system access to actually be able to interact with the windows environment on the mac.

----- Original Message ----- From: "chris hallsworth" <christopherh40@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <winamp4theblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: response from FS regarding winamp scripts and windows 7

As Winamp is a Windows application, then the only way to run Winamp is to either install Windows using Bootcamp or inside a virtual machine like VMware Fusion.

Chris Hallsworth
E-mail and Facebook: christopherh40@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
MSN: ch9675@xxxxxxxxxxx
Skype: chrishallsworth7266

On 07/04/2010 17:20, DJ DOCTOR P wrote:
High Chris,
I am thinking about getting a Mackintosh computer.
Is there a chance that Winamp mite be able to run on Mack systems?
Thinks in advance.
My best regards.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Chris Skarstad"
To: <winamp4theblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 11:27 AM
Subject: Re: response from FS regarding winamp scripts and windows 7

It just seems to me that if they knew there was
an issue with Winamp, arguably one of the more
popular programs with users of JAWS, that they
should've waited to release the program when
those bugs were squashed. It's probably no secret
to any of you guys who know me, personally that
I've switched to Window-eyes, and am very glad I
did. I know that's not something everyone can
do, but for those who can, Jeff Bishop's Winamp scripts are absolutely
I do have a workaround though, especially for you
guys using JAWS 11, until FS gets the update released.
Give, a try. It's
absolutely free, and the awesome thing is in this
case, you don't necessarily get what you pay
for. You can use all the popular windows
programs that everyone's used to using, and it
works really well. It's meant to be more of a
portable, on the go solution, like if you're at
someone's house who doesn't have screenreading
software installed, all you do is visit the
website, follow the spoken instructions, log in
and you're in business. It seems to work with
Winamp pretty well, under all the popular
versions of windows. I'm still using xp but I've
heard from others using win 7 both 32 and 64 bit
that it works well with those as well. So if
you're stuck and need something to use while you
wait for the JAWS update, give that a try.

At 10:50 AM 4/2/2010, you wrote:
well, it certainly seems that way. Now all we have to do is play the
hurry up and wait game

From: "chris hallsworth" <christopherh40@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, April 02, 2010 5:01 AM
To: <winamp4theblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: response from FS regarding winamp scripts and windows 7

Woohoo! So hopefully I'll be able to fully use Winamp in the next
update for 64 bit!

Chris Hallsworth
E-mail and Facebook: christopherh40@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
MSN: ch9675@xxxxxxxxxxx
Skype: chrishallsworth7266

On 02/04/2010 06:52, Robert Robinson wrote:
Ok, as mentioned before, I have received a response back from FS,
and am posting it here on the list for all who are interested.

********Beginning of message******
Dear Robert

Thank you for contacting Freedom Scientific technical Support. If
you are using Windows 7 64 bit, there are known issues with the
JAWS® screen reading software WinAmp scripts that will be addressed
in an update due to be released soon. If you are using the 32 bit
version of Windows 7, let me know because I will need to perform
additional research pertaining to your issue.

Be sure to include all previous correspondence pertaining to this
matter when replying to this message so that we might better
assist you.
******End of message******

Robert Robinson

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