[visionrehabtherapist] Re: DVS on DVD resource

  • From: "B.J. LeJeune" <BJLejeune@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: visionrehabtherapist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2012 10:31:45 -0500

I contacted my friends at CaptionMax and this was their response:

ACB hosts a website for their Audio Description Project which maintains a list of described DVD releases. Itâs not perfect, but itâs very good: http://www.acb.org/adp/dvds.html

 There are a couple of different logos used on packaging. You might see the letters D, AD, or VDS followed by two or three curved lines.  WGBH refers to description as âDVSâ and that is sometimes how the audio track is listed on the back of the box. You usually have to see the actual DVD box, though, because Amazon is terrible about listing those specs.

This from the ACB siteAudio description on a disc is generally listed under Languages on the back cover as "English Audio Description" or "English DVS."  Director's Cuts or Unrated versions sometimes do not have description, though that is less common now.  Your best bet is to order the theatrical version when available and order via Amazon, not their Marketplace sellers. 

Also from the ACB website, here is the Audio Described symbol that is used.




B. J. LeJeune, M.Ed,CRC, CVRT
NRTC on Blindness and Low Vision
Mississippi State University
P. O. Box 6189
Mississippi State, Ms  39762
FAX 662-325-8989

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