[vicsireland] Re: Using sql with jaws 8

  • From: Tony.G.Murray@xxxxxx
  • To: vicsireland@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2009 10:10:17 +0100

Hi Mairead,

"I am using jaws 8 and would appreciate it if anyone could let me know for
definit if sql works with jaws.  "

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a computer language used for 
manipulating relational Databases and their contents.  Like a lot of 
computer programming languages, it is simply text which is interpreted by 
the machine.  So in that sense, yes SQL definitely works with Jaws.

Now then, SQL is often used in conjunction with a relational DBMS 
(Database Management System), which is basically an environment in which 
your relational database and the tools you use to manage/access it are 
living.  There are lots of very widely used DBMS', like Oracle, SQL 
Server, MySQL, the list goes on and on and on.  A lesser DBMS is 
Microsoft's Access, but this wouldn't be considered an enterprise DBMS; it 
is limited in the data it can store.  It's a nice way to learn Relational 
Database methodologies etc, and is probably used behind some smaller web 
applications or in small office environments, but that's about it.

When you say 'SQL' could you possibly be referring to SQL Server? This is 
Microsoft's bigger DBMS, which is often just called 'SQL'.  This is a 
pretty crazy way to refer to something like SQL Server, but that's 
unfortunately computing... init! For the rest of this mail, when I say SQL 
I mean the computer language, and when I say SQL Server, I mean... you've 
guessed it, SQL Server the Relational Database Management System!

If you are indeed talking about Microsoft SQL Server, the news is good. 
I've used SQL Server 97/2000/2005 in my time.  The SQL Server Tools (which 
are part of the DBMS) allow you to do everything you could possibly want 
to do with a Database, or the data stored within one. 

There are two major ways of accessing the Microsoft SQL Server Database. 
One is through SQL (and I mean the computer language remember), and the 
other is through a visual interface. 

SQL can be typed out in an editor provided as part of SQL Server, and 
executed against your database.  This is very very accessible and easy to 
use... AS easy as Notepad! The editor contained within SQL Server to do 
this is called 'Query Analyser', or something similar depending on the 
version of SQL Server you're using.

The other way is through the visual tool, called 'Enterprise Manager' or 
'Management Studio', again depending on the version of SQL Server you're 
working with.  This allows you to do everything you can do through SQL and 
more, without having to actually know the language.  It too is pretty 
accessible, when you get to know the environment.  It's mainly tree views, 
lists, menus... All the normal stuff Microsoft has got us all so used to.

"I would also appreciate it if someone could
let me know if I need to download scripts to increase the functionality of

To be honest, I didn't know there were scripts available... but that's no 
surprise! I'm not so well up on Jaws, even though I use it every day.  If 
there are scripts available, and you are talking about SQL Server, I'm 
sure someone on here can help you to install them.

All the above assumes that when you say 'SQL', you mean Microsoft's SQL 
Server.  However, if you're not talking about SQL Server, I think you'll 
be safe enough when it comes to programming in SQL (the language).  Once 
you know how to write SQL, you'll be able to access and use most 
Relational DBMS', like Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, all those. SQL 
is simply a language used to access all sorts of relational databases... 
Kind of like a skeleton key! You can get in to any relational database if 
you've a bit of SQL knowledge.  Beautiful huh?

To finish, I'll say that SQL is a nice language to learn.  It looks very 
much like English; it is based on a bunch of keywords, some logical 
operators, and that's about it. 

For example, let's say you have a table in your database called 
UserInformationTable containing names and addresses.... The SQL to show 
you all the names in that table might look something like:
SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM UserInformationTable;

Not bad eh?

Best wishes,

Tony Murray

Internet Solutions,
AIB Enterprise Systems & Technology,
Block B0,
AIB Bankcentre,
Dublin 4.

T: +353 (0) 164 13801
E: tony.g.murray@xxxxxx

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