[sparkscoffee] Re: Viet Nam, success or failure?

  • From: "schalestock@xxxxxxxx" <schalestock@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 15:45:55 GMT

Lee, You really nailed it. I remember my dad (a ww2 vet) saying it was a civil 
war right from the start. And of course, those of us that were over there had 
no doubt about the corruption of the South Vietnam government and the ARVN. I 
recently watched an interesting documentary about LBJ with live videos of him 
talking to McNamara. It appears that he saw his conundrum as fearing the 
Chinese would come in if he turned us loose to go up north on one hand and 
fearing he would be accused of " losing" Vietnam if he did nothing.  Naturally, 
the end result was was a micro managed cluster fuck that ended in our defeat.   
 But it does show the consequences of electing an uneducated, self serving 
ignoramus who didn't even know about the thousand year old animosity between 
Vietnam and China.  There is no doubt the Vietnamese would have fought the 
Chinese just as hard as they did us had China tried to come into the war. And, 
as you point out, capitalism has no corner on corruption. The communist regime 
in Vietnam is not only corrupt, its vicious and deadly to its own people. So it 
goes in Stan's communist Utopian fantasy world. JS

---------- Original Message ----------
From: "Lee, NI7I" <pixiehat@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: Viet Nam, success or failure?
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 08:29:55 -0700

Stan, you would have a good argument if you didnt insist on inserting half 
truths (which are worse than lies).  The US wasnt trying to impose anything on 
viet nam.  
What they were doing was interfering with a civil war.  There was already a 
"capitalist democracy" in place in south viet nam.  With our assistance it 
became more
corrupt than it was and, again with our assistance, in failed.  Now they have a 
"capitalist democracy" of their own making.  I dont think you could really call 
they have in that country communism.  It's just adifferent sort of capitalism.  
And, from what I understand, is no less corrupt than our country.


On 8/13/2014 7:16 PM, (Redacted sender Sblumen123@xxxxxxx for DMARC) wrote:RR 
and DR and JS and etc.You say you have an open mind and you know of no 
socialist country that has succeeded excluding China?How about Viet Nam, isn't 
that a country run by communists? It was a colony of Captalist France untilit 
won it's independence and then again when Captalist America tried to impose a 
Captalist Democracy on it and failed and it won the admiration of the world 
even by many here? Today we free trade with it and it is even a tourist 
destination including soldiers who fought against them. Remember the unkown 
Spanish author of the saying, 'A wise man changes his mind often, a fool 
never'. You can call me the fool but as wise men where do you stand? Comrade B  

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