[sparkscoffee] Re: By request

  • From: Ron Ristad <ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2013 15:11:11 -0500 (EST)

Socialism works in the beginning or at least appears to, but ends up running on 
more and more borrowed money to keep up the facade until it collapses.

As ARA members we made very good wages because we belonged to a labor union. 
But the only reason we were able to do so was because the government was 
subsidizing our wages. The government did so, and continues to do so, using 
borrowed money. If the money is not borrowed then it has to be taken out of 
taxes which is even worse for the economy because taxes rob every other worker 
for the benefit of a few. Most union jobs have now vanished and the few that 
remain are government jobs. If America was an individual it would have been 
declared bankrupt years ago because it is so far in debt that it cannot 
possibly ever be paid back. Soon the U.S. will no longer even be able to pay 
the interest on the debt and it will be far worse than the economic depression 
of the 1930's because this time the U.S. Dollar will be worthless and the vast 
majority of U.S. wealth, which is paper wealth, will just disappear.

My advice is buy food, water, gold, silver, arms and ammo. By any measure the 
collapse that is coming will be the greatest the world has ever seen. 
Communism, Fascism, and crony Capitalism are all relics that no longer work. 
Real change only happens after a complete disaster. The Soviet Union was borne 
in a violent revolution and died in an economic collapse. The U.S. will 
collapse the same way. I can't see China taking over because despite what 
deluded Stan thinks, China is a crony capitalist system. Some new form of 
government will need to arise.


-----Original Message-----
>From: "schalestock@xxxxxxxx" <schalestock@xxxxxxxx>
>Sent: Mar 1, 2013 6:27 AM
>To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: By request
>I read your article and understand the venting.  But nowhere is there any 
>explanation of how socialism would be a better alternative.
>One glaring  misstatement is your denial that China's economic ascendancy is 
>NOT due to employing the capitalist model. You only have to look at the 
>catastrophic failure of the Soviet Union.  They certainly had as many 
>intellectual and material resources as China. Yet it was precisely their 
>failure to employ the economic tools of capitalism that led to their 
>bankruptcy - unlike China.
>At the end of the day, capitalism and communism are simply tools. And history 
>has repeatedly shown the superiority of the capitalist model.
>It is simply more in tune with human nature.
>By contrast, Communism/Socialism is predicated on a moral corruption that 
>inevitably leads to tyranny.  As Jefferson observed, "Our government can only 
>survive if moral men are in power".  What China has created is capitalist 
>wealth restricted to a relative handful of morally corrupt tyrants.  This is 
>what you are so proud of?
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