[sparkscoffee] Re: By request

  • From: "Lee, NI7I" <pixiehat@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 01 Mar 2013 09:41:34 -0800

Always thought that it had something to do with their ginormous military budget. Oh well..

On 3/1/2013 4:27 AM, schalestock@xxxxxxxx wrote:

I read your article and understand the venting.  But nowhere is there any 
explanation of how socialism would be a better alternative.

One glaring  misstatement is your denial that China's economic ascendancy is 
NOT due to employing the capitalist model. You only have to look at the 
catastrophic failure of the Soviet Union.  They certainly had as many 
intellectual and material resources as China. Yet it was precisely their 
failure to employ the economic tools of capitalism that led to their bankruptcy 
- unlike China.

At the end of the day, capitalism and communism are simply tools. And history 
has repeatedly shown the superiority of the capitalist model.
It is simply more in tune with human nature.

By contrast, Communism/Socialism is predicated on a moral corruption that inevitably 
leads to tyranny.  As Jefferson observed, "Our government can only survive if moral 
men are in power".  What China has created is capitalist wealth restricted to a 
relative handful of morally corrupt tyrants.  This is what you are so proud of?


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