[sparkscoffee] Re: By request

  • From: Sblumen123@xxxxxxx
  • To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2013 15:43:27 -0500 (EST)

You two guys think you are know it all. Where are they getting
all that money to loan us $1.2 trillion, buy AMC movie chain, oil,
mines, raw material for their manufacturing, etc, etc world  wide?
Also the many auto manufacturers joint venturing their plants
there to supply the hotest auto buying public in the world?
Comrade B   
In a message dated 3/3/2013 11:00:40 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx writes:

China was very poor before they switched to capitalism.  Capitalism created 
the economic boom. Now China is slowly being taken over by  communism again 
which is unsustainable. The 50% of the Chinese economy that is  still 
privately owned is paying 100% of the taxes. Because the SOE's pay no  taxes 
have an unfair advantage over private enterprise and will  eventually crowd 
them out. The less private enterprise remains, the more the  government 
must tax in order to keep running, which will further drive out  private 
enterprise. Who will the government get money from then?

The  problem with socialism in China is that the SOE's (state owned 
enterprises)  are all run by a handful of politically connected people. It's a 
"worker's  paradise" for the elite who are connected to the government. They 
make  fabulous amounts of money and take no risk. If they lose money the 
government  bails them out. The problem is that it all hinges on robbing other 
people.  People with new ideas such as hippie Steve Jobs have no chance to ever 
get  started because they are not politically connected. China must rob  
intellectual property and ideas from other countries. They must rob private  
enterprises in their own country in the form of taxes to pay for their  SOE's.

Yes in some respects Stan is correct that the Capitalists will  sell the 
communists the rope with which they will hang them, but what he fails  to 
mention is that they also hang themselves. The worker's paradise does  provide 
jobs for a short time, during which the political elite become  fabulously 
wealthy without having to take any risk but when the scheme  inevitably fails 
the workers end up with nothing while the political elite end  up owning 
everything. This is what has happened in every country that has ever  tried the 
socialist experiment.


-----Original  Message-----
>From: "schalestock@xxxxxxxx"  <schalestock@xxxxxxxx>
>Sent: Mar 3, 2013 9:14 AM
>To:  sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: By  request
>You hit the nail on the  head  when you said that "the reason why they are 
"successful" is because  they pay no taxes."  China is owned by a communist 
oligarchy. A point  Stan seems to  ignore.
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"Laws  control the lesser man.  Right conduct controls the greater one."
-  Chinese Proverb

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