[SimpleMail-usr] Re: IMAP & Configuration

  • From: "John Deker" <jwdeker@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Sebastian Bauer" <simplemail-usr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: 28 Dec 2002 11:22:44 -0500

Greetings Sebastian Bauer.  Per your note of 28-Dec-02 05:02:14:
>> 2. Fetch doesn't work with IMAP, only "Folder - Check single account"
>> Also, automatic mail checking doesn't work since it seems to use fetch.

>Are the accounts marked as active?

As you perceived in you second response, I only have the one IMAP account
setup and no POP account.  The IMAP account is set as active.

>> 3. Synchronization of IMAP folder contents with the server seems to
>> the use of "Folder - Check single account".  Deleting mail seems to
>> some care in procedure, and the folders display and contents does not
>> seem to update properly.  I use this procedure to delete mail content from
>> IMAP folders:
>>     a. Select an IMAP folder to edit.
>>     b. Hi-light the emails you want to delete
>>     c. Click the "Delete" button in the toolbar - the status of each
>>        email will change
>>     d. Select "Folder - Check single account" to send an update to the
>>        server - the local folder display does not change
>>     e. To now delete the local email, open each email and select the
>>        button for its window.  The next email will open.  Again select the
>>        "Delete" button if appropriate.
>> Under some circumstances, email would sometimes move to my "Deleted"
>folder in
>> step "c.".  I don't recall the details of the circumstances.

>Please install the latest NList and NListtree versions available from my
>homepage http://home.t-online.de/home/sebauer
>At least the refreshing problem should be gone.

The latest NList and NListtree were installed prior to installing SimpleMail
0.18 and I rebooted my Amiga after installing NList(tree) and prior to running
SM 0.18.  I was also required to install EXPAT.LIBRARY.  You don't list this
as a requirement in your docs.  I also made sure I installed the other libs
that came with NList(tree).

BTW, I have 2 Amigas (A1200 and A2000) both running Phase5 '060 accelerators
and 64MB of fast RAM connected by a small LAN.  I'm running OS3.9 + BB2 except
that I'm using DOpus 5.82 as workbench replacement.  Both are running Genesis-
AmiTCP.  The A2000 is setup as a SOCKS4 server using MSOCKD4.LHA from Aminet. 
The A1200 runs a SOCKS wrapper client.  Mozilla and MSIE on my PC are setup to
use SOCKS4 proxy.

>Deleting procedure works as follow:

>You mark the emails you want to delete.
>Then you tell to syncronize with the server. SimpleMail will delete the
>mails on the server and local (by moving them in the local deleted folder,
>so you can rescue them if this was a mistake).

Sometimes this works as you describe, but more often not and I have to perform
steps I describe.

In addition to the default folders for POP (no POP account setup though), I
have the following IMAP group and group folders:

imap.voicenet.com   ; group folder
    INBOX           ; imap incoming mail - gathers same email as if
                      I used popmail.voicenet.com
    INBOX.FILTERED  ; imap SPAM mail filtered out by my ISP
    INBOX.Trash     ; imap trash mail - normally empty

>If it doesn't work as described there is a problem in SimpleMail. I.e step
>e. you have described should be not neccessary.

Yes, it is the way Outlook Express and Mozilla work and occassionally
SimpleMail.  Most times SimpleMail doesn't work as you indicate.  I'll try to
discover what is different when it does work.

>> 4. I discovered I can import the server IMAP folders by selecting and
>> then right- clicking on the IMAP service folder in the folders window and
>> selecting "Settings..." from the popup list.  This opens a "Simplemail -
>> IMAP Server" window where selecting the "Reload from server" button
>> the appropriate IMAP folders from my ISP. Then clicking OK to close the
>> and selecting "Settings - Save Settings" from the drop down menus saves
>> setup.

>In this window you can change you subscribed imap folders. You must press
>"submit to server" if you have changed the subscription status of a folder.

Thank you for this information.  I am new to understanding how IMAP works. 
This helps.

John Deker

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