[SimpleMail-usr] Re: How can I adjust the font size in html mail view?

  • From: Bernd Gollesch <bgollesch@xxxxxxx>
  • To: simplemail-usr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2005 18:03:06 +0200

Hoi Kulwant,

>> Are you talking about SimpleHTML or Simplemail?
>I think SimpleHTML - because when the email has already been opened the
>conversion from base64 back to binary has already been done. Clicking on the
>html attachment then eventually displays the html. 

I'm not 100% sure about this, but I think the decoding of attachments will not 
be done until the attachment should be shown.

>I tried it again - and I think the problem is with some information which is
>not completely received from the server so whereas IBrowse displays as it
>receives and then sits there waiting for the last 1%, SM doesn't display
>anything until the last bit of info is received. [...]

IBrowse uses different threads for networking / display. So, if there is more 
then one image do be downloaded IBrowse can download them all at the same time 
and the internal image decoder can use streams to display.

Simplemail does not do that and must wait for the first download to be 
completed to start the next one and so on. Also the datatypes can not handle 
streams, the full imagedata must be available before displaying.

To make Simplemail that much multithreaded (like IBrowse) is much beyond my 

>> And with decode I mean convert the data from base64 back to binary.
>Can this be done using the PPC co-processor if available? esp for big
>attachments e.g. > 4-5Mb.

Wait for OS4, than all is PPC native :)

>I think the time-out is probably a good compromise between complexity and
>benefit and can probably be introduced quite quickly. 

Sorry, but that's not that easy as you might think.


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