[SimpleMail-usr] Re: How can I adjust the font size in html mail view?

  • From: Bernd Gollesch <bgollesch@xxxxxxx>
  • To: simplemail-usr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2005 14:16:51 +0200

Hoi Kulwant,

>[...] - the point being that I can save a
>html email and display it in IBrowse - which also needs to download and
>decode the images etc - and it always does it one hell of a lot quicker than
>SimpleHTML does - and that's with IB running purely on 68k [...]

Are you talking about SimpleHTML or Simplemail?

Simplemail has to do a lot more than IBrowse.
   Load    Email
   Parse   Email
   Decode  Email and attachments
   Display Email

And with decode I mean convert the data from base64 back to binary.

I don't know if there can be done much optimisation. If I see one, I'll do it. 
But for now I'll not search for any.

cu, Bernd 

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