[sib-access] Re: setup instructions

  • From: Barbie Elliott <barbieelliott@xxxxxxx>
  • To: <sib-access@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2012 09:49:53 -0700


I'm trying to set up for the first time.   I have been monotering this
discussion because I am running windows 7 and wanting to use sib access 
scripts with the best configuration possible.

  Thanks a ton Tim for getting me going.  With the sib 5 serial number you
were able to get for me, I downloaded and registered
5.25.  But now I'm having a couple of problems.

First, when I try to run version 5.25 I get a message that says it is not
compatible with the version of windows I am running.  I have Windows 7 with
64 bits.  I Went to the reccommended links and found a compatibility tool
for 5 and windows 7.  and downloaded it from the Sibelius  website.  I ran 
the tool and it says there are no compatibility problems.  The
error message still comes up when I try to open sibeleus.  I can bypass the 
message and open it, but I'm not sure if it's working correctly, since I 
haven't gone to the next step of downloading the sib access scripts.

Next, I can find a bunch of articles about sib access but not the actual
scripts.  Can someone send me the link to download these?-----Original
From: Chris Smart
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 9:56 AM
To: sib-access@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [sib-access] Re: setup instructions

you need version 5.25.

At 10:53 AM 12/18/2012, you wrote:
>Hello again…
>Are there specific setup instructions for Sib
>5.2.  I installed from version
>5.1  I had not upgraded to version 5.2  Is
>version 5.2 the version that is
>stable?  That is am I supposed to be having problems if I run Sib 5.1
>(obviously, I’m not running the scripts yet).
>If there are any setup instructions for Windows
>7 can someone point me in
>the right direction please?
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