[sac-board] Re: Star Party Liability

  • From: AJ Crayon <acrayon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: sac-board@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 07 Jun 2004 21:58:16 -0700

Peter, in response to the snippet below - from your message.  One of the 
statements I made at the beginning of the meeting, and as Tom P. pointed 
out in one of the initial e-mail messages, my concern  has been our 
insurance coverage, specifically liability - I believe.  This has been a 
growing concern of mine for several marathons and I don't want the risk 
of someone starting some sort of litigation against myself, anyone else, 
some of us or all of us.

I don't believe we are covered well enough, or we don't know if we are 
covered or not.  Folks there at the meeting have agreed to do the leg 
work in an attempt to uncover answers.  From there we can decided on 
what's next; but basically I feel we need adequate coverage before the 
event can grow larger.

Hope this helps,

Peter Argenziano wrote:

>Since I missed the original meeting, I also missed the context of this 
>discussion. Will the MM event be 'blowing up'? ;-) That is, will this 
>event be heading the way of a large-scale event?

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