[rollei_list] Re: Bad Rolleiflex 2.8F Planars rumor

  • From: `Richard Knoppow <dickburk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2018 14:23:11 -0700

One of the problems with moving element focusing is that it also changes all the corrections. Lenses can be designed with optimum correction for only one object distance (or magnification factor). At others there is a loss of some sort. It is not difficult to design front element focusing triplet and Tessar type lenses so they are used in many small cameras.
Voigtlander used whole lens focusing in several of their folding cameras which allowed the use of standard, fixed element, lenses. Zeiss did not and I think relied on very careful design to get adequate performance. These lenses may be sharp in the center of the field but show problems at the margins. Often stopping down mitigates the problems. Most cameras of the 1930 and 40s were designed with the assumption that the negatives would be contact printed or not enlarged very much.
I have heard stories of very sharp performance from some front element focusing cameras. One of the features of the Zeiss Super Ikonta is an excellent rangefinder which contributes to the quality of the images.
Someone asked about Plaubel and Linhoff. I think part of the answer is that the name Planar is a trade name of Zeiss and was used for at least three or four different designs. Also Schneider made both five and six element Planar type lenses, they made the Xenotar in large format focal lengths and I am pretty sure Linhoff offered them for the Technika. Have to go back to catalogs I have in storage to find out.

On 10/10/2018 12:16 PM, Eric Goldstein wrote:

I have yet to see a good MF f/2.8 Tessar-type. There is a reason Zeiss
and Schneider added a couple more degrees of freedom to get to that

My super Ikonta 6 x 9 has a front focusing 3.5 coated Tessar... it
does not hold a candle to the 80 f/2.8 Planar on my 2.8C, even at f/8
or f/11

Richard Knoppow
Rollei List

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