[rodgersorgan] Re: Update from a silent list reader

  • From: noel jones <gedeckt@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: rodgersorgan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 10:05:50 -0500


I know there will some good suggestions for you from list members.

As a starter, I would suggest you do everything you can do to keep your 
local Rodgers representative involved in providing quotes and information.

Having worked as a Möller sales engineer, I can assure you that the cost 
of adding MIDI to the console and adding ranks to the organ may well be 
comparable to adding a Rodgers console and ranks to the organ if a 
console rebuild is involved in the project.

In today's church , it makes much sense to begin with a complete digital 
spec, and then add pipes if they can be purchased.  This gives you the 
ability to play literature using stops that fit it, and also access 
contemporary sounds as required to fulfill the needs of contemporary 
worship if they become your congregation.

No one would suggest that you hire a string orchestra to provide a 
string line to a contemporary chorus...in the same manner, having a 
digital instrument to fulfill the needs of the organ literature in a 
satisfying and exciting manner for the congregation makes a lot of 
sense. If your congregation is fortunate enough to be able to interface 
the pipes you have and more with this organ, it would be satisfying to all.
noel jones, aago
athens, tennessee, usa
frog music press
rodgers organ users group

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