[racattack] Re: dhclient-script overwrites /etc/resolv.conf

  • From: Ludovico Caldara <Ludovico.Caldara@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "racattack@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <racattack@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 07:09:17 +0000

BR> But I'd leave the instructions as they are and maybe just add one page 
pointing out these differences (and people will have to be smart enough to 
remember that putty won't work on linux/mac and that they'll have to substitute 

Good idea, we can add a little infobox right after each single software 

BR> But I am happy to share that with you guys on site, too. And we could also 
use the hour before racetrack starts on tuesday. People are always attracted to 
crowds and when they see a bunch of ninjas discussing secret mysterious 
business they may get interested to just join, sit down and start attacking the 

+1 to meet before the first slot, but I fear that we'll end up by not taking a 
beer together! :-) We can meet at the end of IOUG Happy Hours, 8pm, and seek a 
pub close to Howard St. (Never been at SF, I rely on you for good places)


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