[racattack] Re: Fwd: Re: Fwd: RAC Attack configuration question....

  • From: Hans Forbrich <fuzzy.graybeard@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: racattack@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 06 Aug 2015 09:49:32 -0600


Can't answer for Jeremy, but: using NAT, we avoid
- forcing assignment on the local network (not everyone uses 192.168.1)
- overloading local DHCP servers for PC + VMs


On 06/08/2015 9:43 AM, Mark J. Bobak wrote:

Hi Guys,

I didn't know there was a RAC Attack specific list! Cool!

Thanks to Jeremy, Marcin and Alvaro.

So, I'm going to be leading a RAC Attack event in November, so, I thought I'd better get up to speed with the latest versions of VirtualBox, OL, and Oracle. I've done a RAC Attack setup a couple of times before, but it's been a year or more.

Here's some stuff I found, probably not news to you, if you already have been through the ringer with the latest versions.

If you're on VirtualBox 5.0, perl provided by Oracle in is broken. Fix is to download 5.14.1 from CPAN and build from source. (I've scripted this solution, so running my fix_perl.sh script on each node will take care of it.)

If you're doing, you probably need to create one additional 5 GB shared device, and make the DATA diskgroup 15 GB instead of 10 GB. (It looks like has some new ASM management DB? Not sure what that's all about yet.) Anyhow, if you don't add the extra 5 GB, the starter database creation blows up.

If you're installing, there's the libjavavm12.a missing error. Need to do a symlink:
ln -s $ORACLE_HOME/javavm/jdk/jdk7/lib/libjavavm12.a $ORACLE_HOME/lib

That's pretty much it, I think.....

Oh, the problem I was having w/ resolv.conf:
I finally got it to stop overwriting resolv.conf, but I didn't like the fact that with eth2 set to NAT, the VMs can't see the internet. So, I changed eth2 to be bridged, and now my resolv.conf is overwritten every time, and it has three nameserver lines,,, and The last one is my router, and does name resolution for the internet. So, this way, all the RAC Attack stuff still works, and I have internet access.

Is there a reason RAC Attack manual says to do NAT? Is that just for security?

That's all for now.



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Alvaro Miranda* <kikitux@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:kikitux@xxxxxxxxx>>
Date: Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 9:55 AM
Subject: Re: [racattack] Re: Fwd: RAC Attack configuration question....
Cc: "mark@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:mark@xxxxxxxxx>" <mark@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:mark@xxxxxxxxx>>

the commands to disable network manager should be

chkconfig list --list | grep -i networkmanager

usually the name is NetworkManger

then you can:

chkconfig NetworkManager off
service NetworkManager stop
service network restart

hope this helps

On 7/08/2015, at 01:19, Marcin Przepiorowski <pioro1@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:pioro1@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

Hi Mark,

I think this line is generated by Network Manager.
If you want to build a new Rac Attack installation and you are not interesting in step by step approach,
you can use Vagrant and ansible to configure everything for you quickly.


I used it on my Mac and this is really cool.
If you have any problems, ping me directly.


On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 2:39 PM, Jeremy Schneider <jeremy.schneider@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:jeremy.schneider@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

Mark posted this question to the oracle-l list. Anyone know the
answer off the top of their head and can respond to him?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mark J. Bobak <mark@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:mark@xxxxxxxxx>>
Date: Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 5:11 PM
Subject: RAC Attack configuration question....
To: ORACLE-L <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>>

Hi guys,

I'm working on setting up a RAC Attack installation on my new
16GB Macbook Pro.

VirtualBox version: 5.0
Host: Mac OS X 10.10.4
Guest: Oracle Linux 6.7

I've gone through as far as creating the first VM, and I've
bind/DNS, and I've modified /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth2
to set PEERDNS, DEFROUTE, and PEERROUTES all to no.

after stopping and restarting the network service:
service network restart

my /etc/resolv.conf looks like this:
[root@racattack1 ~]# cat /etc/resolv.conf

; generated by /sbin/dhclient-script



nameserver <<--- This doesn't belong

search racattack

This looks ok, except the third nameserver line should not be

If I remove it, and then restart the network service again, that line
comes back. So, I'm not sure where it's coming from. Also, it's my
understanding (from the RAC Attack documentation) that if PEERDNS=no,
then the /etc/resolv.conf file should *not* be re-written...but
it is.

Has anyone else who's done RAC Attack had this problem?



Marcin Przepiorowski

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