[python] Re: making a python!

  • From: Dirk Bonné <dirk_bonne@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: python@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2006 15:35:00 +0100

Hi Simon,

simon wrote:
> Hi I've recently joined the list (Impressed by the great photos of
> finished projects) with the idea of trying to make one, My question is
> this.... are there any plans (like the flevo ones) or is  each one each
> bike an individual just built round the principles of the original with
> people designing there own based on what materials they have available? 
I think there are some plans available for some of the variants, but the
pythons are all very different. It starts with wheel sizes, continues
with details how the pivot should be built, and ends in the question
about handle bars: are good and if there would be on which part of the
bike they should be attached. There is no silver bullet yet. You have to
pick the raisins yourself.

The only example of really detailed plans for a python with 26" wheels
is from Daryl:


> I must admit I was a little worried about the instability above 50kph
> but then realised that on my own bike I get worried if I go above 45kph
> downhill but it may be different on a recumbent. 
The last time I tried I found no problems at 55kmh on my python. It is
probably a question getting used to the speed. A lot higher I would not
want to go as I get worried in general I won't see all the potholes in
time (because of the low seat and bad eye sight).
> I live in an area with
> quite a few hills how do people find them for hill climbing?
There is a lot of diversity between the different python geometries, and
I believe we all have little experience outside our own
projects/geometries (I never tried large wheel size pythons except for
Torben's bike which was definitly to big for me). IMO each of us can
really only talk about his own bike.

Comparing my own flevo (20" flevo racer <-> 20" python) the python
clearly wins for climbing. I attribute this to the lower CG (no slipping
of the front wheel) and the larger angle of the pivot (60 on mine
instead of 45 on flevo).

In general I find that my python handles easier than my own flevo. But
do not expect a miracle, the python is feet steered, and will always be
a "special" bike demanding a lot from the rider.

(I did more then 20.000km on my own flevo, and much less on my python as
I am not more commuting to work (but still several thousands)).



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