[pure-silver] Re: AW: Re: toxicity

  • From: Eric Nelson <emanmb@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: pure-silver@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 17:47:55 -0700 (PDT)

i'm not worried about it or anything in my apothecary, but was just surprised 
at the labeling.  i have the book "overexposure" which is OK, but does make 
just about everything seem highly toxic.  

From: Laurence Cuffe <cuffe@xxxxxxx>
To: pure-silver@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2009 6:14:35 PM
Subject: [pure-silver] AW: Re: toxicity

Am Donnerstag 14 Mai 2009 um 03:27PM schrieb "Jean-David Beyer" 
>Hash: SHA1
>Eric Nelson wrote:
>| I bought a bag of D-76 the other day and was surprised to see there's
>| a skull and crossbones on the back of the bag.
>| Highlighted were, 1,4 dihydroxybenzene (which is hydroquinone), sodium
>| tetraborate pentahydrate (which is borax), and
>| bis(4-hydroxy-N-methylanilinium)sulfate (which might be
>| 4-(Methylamino)phenol sulfate or Metol).
>| Not that I would bathe in it or eat it but, I never thought of D-76 and
>| it's components in all these years of using and/or making it myself as
>| being toxic enough to warrant a poison label and found it interesting to
>| see this.  I certainly didn't think of borax as being all that toxic.
>Actually, the sodium sulfite in there could be considered toxic as well. It
>is apparently a problem for people with asthma. I forget if it is the
>sulfite or the metol that makes people who drink developers turn blue.
>I have not seen developers or anything else I have ever purchased from Kodak
>marked as poison. Glacial Acetic Acid is marked as poison, though it does
>warn against misuse and what to do about it.
>But let us keep thing in perspective here. There is a paperback book out
>there, "The Dose makes the Poison" by M. Alice Ottoboni, Ph.D. (second
>edition) that bills itself as "A Plain-Language Guide to Toxicology." The
>title is a very good brief summary of the book. She is a staff toxicologist
>to the California State Department of Public Health.

I would second the suggestion of Ottoboni's book, and also recommend

Controls in Black-And-White Photography (Hardcover)
by Richard J. Henry (Author), $14, with amazon currently,
for a more photography related, but still balanced perspective.
All the best
Larry Cuffe (Ph.D. in Chemistry for my sins)
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