Re: C # and visual studio

  • From: "RicksPlace" <ofbgmail@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <programmingblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 06:32:07 -0400

Ask specific questions on what you are trying to do at any given time. To 
create a new class you can right mouse click a folder, usually either the 
App_Code or the Root Folder, then cursor down to the AddNewItem entry in the 
Contextt Menu PopUp and hit enter. A window will come up with allot of items 
you can select from and one of them will be a class object. You cursor to the 
Class Item in the list, tab to the Name TextBox and change it to the name you 
want your class called, pick a language and then I think just tab and click OK 
button. Then you will be put into the CSharp Code Editor for the new Class 
where you can enter code like Functions, Subroutines and Properties for the 
class. There are other ways of adding new classes and other objects to a 
project but right mouse clicking is pretty consistent throughout the IDE. Doing 
that will usually bring up a Context Menu PopUp with things you can do related 
to the item under the mouse pointer when you clicked the right mouse button. 
You can use this method to add everything from Databases to new Windows, Files, 
Classes and a bunch of other things.  What appears in the Context Menu PopUp 
will depend on what you have under the mouse pointer. You can also do this 
using the selections on the Menu Bar which is dynamic. What appears on the 
various menus of the Main Menu Bar will depend on what window is in focus, what 
item is highlighted inside the Widnow etc... You can do everything in several 
ways in Visual Studio which is good from an accessibility standpoint but can be 
confusing to learn at first. I tend to use the Right Mouse Click Method to add 
items to my projects when I can since I get very familiar with that Context 
Menu PopUp by using it all the time. Well, there are a thousand other tips, 
tricks and work-arounds for working in Visual Studio, CSharp, and the 
other features. Ask for specific help with something if you need it and I will 
give you anything I have even though I use Windoweyes and work in or 
Visual Web Developer with Sql Server rather than in CSharp - the IDE and 
concepts are very, very similar.
The only qualifications I might mention is that the newer versions of JAWS work 
with WPF and other new Accessibility tools which may make the IDE read totally 
diferently than what I hear using Windoweyes which still uses MSAA as it's 
primary source of accessibility hooks. It is not cut and dry trying to use 
software when you are blind. It is another additional skill set and sometimes a 
complex one at that if you need to get into scripting a Screen Reader.
Rick USA

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